
Blue skies, once again…

In the northern hemisphere, we enjoy the winter holidays….

Having lived in the southern hemisphere, and having also lived in regions that have a faith tradition other than Christian, I am particularly happy to be here in Stillwater MN, for this season…

I start the winter holiday season with Halloween and All Saints’ Day, move on to Thanksgiving and then to December and St. Nicholas’ Day…

I appreciate Advent… And recently, I have come to be touched by the Jewish faith through close friends… Hanukkah…

So it goes…

Today is the Solstice and with this day, I appreciate the return of the light… and a feast with friends!

Christmas Eve and Christmas will be for me the pinnacle of the season, celebrating the birth of Jesus!

It is my custom to bake a birthday cake on the day and have a little party, in addition to the usual church service and meal…

Then there is boxing day when I attempt to once again remove myself from any and all matches and rings of fury and force. LOL…

New Year’s Eve and New Year’s welcome in a new start… another opportunity to begin again…

Finally, there is Little Women’s Christmas on January 6th… This Irish holiday is near and dear to me, for decades now, for me, marks the close of the winter holiday season..

Whatever your take on this season, make a merry and bright time for yourself and those near and dear to you…

In Celebration and Elation!

